Thursday 30 August 2018

Achieving your Ideal Smile with MSC

The search for your ideal smile can be difficult, but can also be very rewarding. If you are suffering with a dental imperfection, such as crowded, crooked or irregular teeth, there are ways you can correct these problems and start the journey towards a brighter smile. Especially when Midlands Smile Centres are your choice of dentist. Based in a number of easily-accessible surgeries around the city of Birmingham, MSC is a friendly and welcoming dental practice staffed by a team of highly skilled professionals with extensive backgrounds in performing successful dental treatments. Also featuring a Smile Plan to make your treatment that little bit more affordable, MSC can help you achieve the smile you are looking for.


One key area of dental treatment that can make a huge improvement to your smile, is orthodontics. Orthodontics are an obvious option for dealing with teeth that are crowded, crooked or irregular, and they are well-worth you considering if you want to achieve a brighter smile. 

Orthodontics treatment at MSC are available in four different forms.

The Four Types of MSC Orthodontic Treatment

Traditional Braces: These braces utilise gentle pressure to help manoeuvre teeth into the desired position. Depending on whether the issues with your teeth are deemed to be straightforward or more complex, either a removable or fixed brace will be chosen by the orthodontist.

Damon Braces: These braces are a relatively new and innovative form of orthodontics treatment that makes use of self-ligating brackets and shape memory wires. As a result, Damon braces harness light pressure to shift teeth into the desired position.

Damon Braces can be used to treat complex problems. Also, they are widely felt to be more comfortable than traditional braces.

Invisalign Braces: Invisible to the eye, Invisalign braces consist of clear aligners that are made specifically to fit your teeth. Able to gradually move your teeth into the required position, Invisalign Braces are removable as well, which makes eating and the cleaning of your teeth easier.

Six Months Smiles: Tooth-coloured so that they can blend in seamlessly with your teeth, Six Months Smiles are a discrete form of cosmetic braces that move teeth at a gradual pace. Able to straighten teeth in six months, with the average treatment lasting between 4 and 9 months, Six Months Smiles are comfortable to wear, too.


Orthodontics aren't the only route we offer to put right teeth that are affected by certain imperfections/issues, such as crookedness or any irregular teeth.

Here at Midlands Smile Centres we can also provide veneers.

Veneers are thin layers of tooth-coloured material. They are usually made out of porcelain and can be placed over irregularly shaped teeth in order to hide the imperfection. They can also be used to cover teeth that are damaged or discoloured, decayed or misaligned. In many cases, the use of only one or two veneers is all that has been required to make a bold improvement in a patient's smile.

A visit to the Hygienist at MSC is not something that is necessitated by you having problems with your teeth or gums. It is simply a way for your dental health to be assessed and for your teeth to be given a professional clean as well as a chance for your gums to be the given the attention they require.

The professional cleaning that you will receive when visiting the Hygienist at MSC will involve a number of treatment types and will include scaling and polishing. As a result, your teeth should appear whiter. You will benefit from all-round greater dental health and a reduced risk of dental problems.

In addition, the role of the Hygienist is to provide you with advice and guidance pertaining to the best ways in which to achieve the highest standards of oral hygiene at home, as well as tips on avoiding plaque and tooth decay.

Here at MSC, you can expect a caring, friendly service and for the hygienist treatment, you receive to be tailored to your needs.

Here For You

Midlands Smile Centres undoubtedly have the skill, knowledge and experience to help make your ideal smile become a reality. In addition to the above treatment, we are also able to assist you further by providing a variety of other treatments, ranging from Dental Implants and Restorative Dentistry to General Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry.

With costs that can be adapted to a whole range of budgets via the MSC Smile Plan and with a constant commitment to putting the well-being of the patient first, MSC are a sound option for better dental health and achieving the perfect smile.

Get in touch with MSC today to find out we can do for you!

Thursday 2 August 2018

Emergency Dentistry at MSC

Do You Need Help Urgently?
If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort related to your teeth or gums that has not been relieved by the use of painkillers, you should contact us on our emergency treatment number.

**You can contact us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year**

The sooner you see a dentist the better the chances will be of us treating you successfully. In some cases, an infection resulting from a failure to receive prompt medical attention in a dental emergency can potentially lead to the infection spreading to the neck and head and creating other serious health issues.

Please Remember:
**You Do Not Need To Be An MSC Patient To Receive MSC Emergency Dental Treatment**

You should be able to access emergency dental treatment at an MSC practice that is closest to you. If this is not possible, MSC emergency dentists should be able to help you at our Kings Heath and Selly Oak Midlands Smile Centres.

Examples of Dental Emergencies

- Toothache: If this lasts for more than 30 minutes after taking pain relief and cleaning and flossing between the teeth.

- Broken Tooth/Broken Filling: If left untreated, this can cause further tooth and filling damage as well as tooth loss.

Lump On Gum Line Next To Tooths Root: This could be an abscess. Failure to access treatment for this will cause tooth loss.

Broken Crown: Left untreated a broken crown can lead to untreatable decay in the root of the tooth as well as abscesses and eventual tooth loss.

Knocked Out Tooth: A knocked-out tooth can be re-inserted. Place the knocked-out tooth inside a sealed container that is filled with milk and bring it to us when you access treatment. Do not clean the tooth; this reduces the chance of the tooth being successfully reinserted.

- Lost Tooth: It is important that a dentist gives their attention to the wound that is left in your gum. Any infection that is allowed to develop in your gum can lead to abscesses and other problems. If you are planning to have a Dental Implant, it is definitely worth being aware of this information.

- Loose/Partially Dislodged Tooth: This tooth may be able to be reinserted into its original location. It is important that you avoid touching the tooth unless you are preventing it from falling out. Aim to support the tooth instead of exerting pressure to keep it in place.

Dental Injuries: Other Issues To Be Aware Of

In regards to dental emergencies, there are some other things to be mindful of, as they may create problems for your teeth and/or gums. 

- Be aware of any kind of cuts or bleeding in your gums.

-Be careful with hard food. Biting into hard food can damage your teeth. Examples of these hard foods include corn-on-the-cob, ice cubes and hard candy. You could maybe consider eating a greater amount of soft foods instead, such as mashed potatoes, yoghurt and soup.

-Take care when playing contact sports as these activities carry a risk of causing damage to your teeth. To help keep your teeth free from damage during the playing of contact sports, you could wear a mouth guard.

-Be sure to take appropriate action if you notice any infections in or injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth, such as the cheek lining, gums and tongue, as this type of injury could necessitate emergency treatment.

-Be aware of any foreign bodies becoming trapped beneath the gum line. Use a toothpick or dental floss to carefully remove this foreign body; if this cannot be achieved easily, seek help from the dentist to minimise the risk of damage or infection.

-Any issues stemming from hardware implemented in relation to the orthodontic treatment you have undergone may also necessitate emergency attention from a dentist. 


The MSC price for receiving emergency treatment is: £32.95- Normal Price.

However, we at Midlands Smile Centres also offer the Smile Plan. The Smile Plan will cost you just £9.90 per month. The Smile Plan makes a multitude of different types of treatment more affordable for you. Please visit the MSC website to learn more about the Smile Plan.
Emergency Treatment Price with the MSC Smile Plan: Free.

About Us
Midlands Smile Centres have various practices located around the city of Birmingham and are staffed with a team of highly experienced and exceptionally skilled dentists. Able to provide a number of different types of treatment including a range of cosmetic services at reasonable prices, MSC provides a caring, compassionate service that allows their patients to achieve the smile that they are looking for.

MSC Emergency Treatment Number: 07960344510

Please visit the MSC website today or get in touch over the phone now to find out what we can do for you! 

Am I Too Old for Braces?

The short answer to the question of, ‘am I too old for braces?’ is simply, no! At MSC, age is never an issue and it’s never too late to get ...