Thursday 8 March 2018

Smile Dentistry

Smile dentistry encompasses a range of cosmetic treatments designed to improve the look of your smile. These may be as simple as removing staining, whitening fillings or hiding damaged teeth. There isn't a compelling health reason for undergoing these procedures; having them done is dependent solely on how you feel about your teeth and how they look.

What Problems Can Cosmetic Dentistry Solve:

1. Stained or Yellow Teeth

Stained or yellow teeth can be a result of several dietary or other habits. Drinking coffee, wine or eating strongly coloured foods such as curry spices and berries, or acidic foods such as oranges can contribute to staining of the teeth. Smoking is also a common reason why teeth become yellow or stained. This staining effect is exacerbated if the natural enamel on your teeth is already weak.

You may feel that your teeth are yellow or stained, and this may cause you distress. You may feel less confident about smiling or showing your teeth in the manner that you wish you could.

Tooth Whitening treatment is a form of Smile Dentistry that can help with stained teeth. At MSC we provide tooth whitening in the form of a tooth whitening kit. Firstly, your suitability for this treatment will be ascertained by one of our dentists. Then trays made specifically for your teeth and jaw will be created. After that you will wear the trays filled with whitening gel for a few hours every day until you are satisfied with the colour of your teeth. 

2. Dull Grey or Dark fillings

Traditionally patients were given fillings by dentists that were composed of a metallic-looking material. These metallic-looking fillings were grey in colour and not especially appealing to the eye. They can cause a person to look older, or less healthy. This less-than-attractive appearance can make those who have these fillings feel self-conscious about laughing or smiling. They may even feel that their fillings are a hindrance to them achieving the perfect smile.

White Fillings are a form of Smile Dentistry that offer a cosmetic alternative to more old-fashioned grey fillings. White fillings offer a more natural, attractive appearance than traditional fillings, and they are also just as strong as grey fillings. At MSC, our highly experienced dentists will be happy to replace any grey fillings you may have for new, natural looking, white fillings.

3. Discoloured Teeth

Some people may have certain teeth that are not the colour they are supposed to be. When individual teeth are discoloured they stand-out from the rest of the teeth in a person's mouth. This can lead to feelings of embarrassment or awkwardness for the person affected, bringing about a desire to hide their smile from others. 

The problem of discoloured teeth involves dealing with individual teeth instead of a whole set of teeth. Therefore, in this case, tooth whitening treatment is not the solution. 

In this case, we would recommend Veneers. Veneers are thin layers of material. They are usually made out of porcelain and are placed over the discoloured tooth to hide its imperfection. The difference a veneer can make is a very profound one, and often surprising. It is sure to elevate the standard of your smile.

4. Damaged Teeth

Teeth can become damaged in all sorts of different ways. Sometimes, the damage is as minimal as chipping. However, for those who have suffered this dental damage, the imperfection may be discomforting, damaging their smile and their self-confidence.

Again, veneers are what we would recommend here. With that thin layer of porcelain to cover the tooth, the flaw will be hidden from view and you can relax knowing that your smile looks just as it should. With the use of Veneers, the cosmetic improvement to your smile can be easily achieved.

5. Missing teeth 

This is a frequent occurrence in Britain and it is common for our dentists to see this on a daily basis. A missing tooth commonly causes a reduction of self confidence in a person, damaging their overall self esteem. A Dental Implant is a fantastic way to regain your smile and confidence. This treatment ensures a more pleasing and natural look to your smile.  

The Smile That You Want

Achieving the smile that you want, unquestionably depends on taking care of your teeth well. However, there are times when a little outside help or adjustment can also be appropriate and you may choose to have cosmetic or smile dentistry treatment. Whatever you are hoping to achieve with your smile, Midland Smile Centres' team of expertly skilled dentists will listen to you, assist you and help you reach the results you are looking for.

More About Midlands Smiles Centres

Midlands Smile Centres are based in several different locations around Birmingham including Sheldon and Selly Oak. Our practices are conveniently located and, to enable our patients to receive the treatments they want without excessive financial restrictions. Our Smile Plan spreads out the costs of the dental treatments you opt for, making them more affordable for you. Our commitment to continued professional development, means that all of our dentists attend training regularly in order to learn about the latest dental treatment methods and dental instrumentation, so that you are given the most up-to-date standard of dental care.

Get in touch with us today to find out more about what we can do for you!

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