Tuesday 16 October 2018

Invisalign and Implants Working Together

It is easy to get used to the way your teeth look, even if you don’t feel satisfied by their appearance, however, cosmetic dentistry is a great alternative to other surgical procedures, and often less invasive. Would you like to straighten your teeth but have gaps or dental implants? Is it time to address those niggles with your teeth you have been putting off dealing with? You may have thought that gaps from missing teeth were too large to be addressed by orthodontic treatment. This is where dental implants can help you achieve the smile you desire. You may also have thought having dental implants means that you can’t have orthodontic treatment. The good news is Invisalign can move the teeth surrounding your implants to improve your smile.

Midlands Smile Centres can help you smile again. Discover how MSC's Invisalign treatments can make problems with your smile a thing of the past.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign braces are an invisible alternative to the traditional braces that you are probably more familiar with. By harnessing innovative forms of technology, MSC's Invisalign invisible braces make use of transparent aligners that are made to specifically fit your teeth. They are comfortable to wear and, most importantly, they are effective: MSC's Invisalign braces will shift your teeth at a gradual pace, manoeuvring them into the desired position.

What's Good About Invisalign?

One huge advantage to opting for MSC Invisalign braces instead of other more traditional types of orthodontic treatment is that they are clear. By being transparent, Invisalign braces are very discreet looking, and a definite improvement in cosmetic terms on the less-than-attractive braces of the past.

Crucially, they are also an effective choice for straightening your teeth and ensuring that teeth are moved into the position that they need to be in.

Another advantage is that Invisalign braces are comfortable to wear, too.

Also, due to these invisible braces being removable, they are relatively easy when it comes to eating, and when it's time to clean them.

How Does It Work?

To begin with, an MSC orthodontist will take a mould of your teeth. Doing this allows us to create the most comfortable fitting for your teeth. From here, the bespoke see-through aligners will be made for you.

As an added part of the process, Midlands Smile Centres can offer you the ClinCheck® 3D treatment plan, which makes it possible for our patients to see beforehand what difference the treatment will make once it is finished.

How Much Will It Cost?

The cost of MSC Invisalign treatment starts from £45.83* per month. To learn more about Invisalign treatment at MSC, why not get in touch with our orthodontic therapist today?


Something else regarding your teeth that may require your attention is missing teeth. This is where implants come in. We at MSC can provide you with these types of Dental Implants: Single Dental Implants, Implanted Dentures, Gold Implants, and Implanted Bridges.

Single Dental Implants: These are made up of two parts- a real-looking false tooth and a supporting titanium rod. The supporting titanium rod is inserted into the jawbone to replace the root of the missing tooth while the false tooth remains visible on top of the gum.

Natural in their appearance, Single Dental Implants are also comfortable and widely believed to be one of the most versatile forms of treatment out there in response to missing teeth.

Implanted Dentures: An effective alternative to regular dentures, Implanted Dentures are attached to the jawbone. Achieved through the creation of a mould of your mouth, and through the use of titanium screws or cylinders which are inserted into the jawbone, they additionally offer greater stability than regular dentures. Implanted Dentures also feel look and function in a similar manner to that of natural teeth.

Gold Implants: Consisting of an implant and a gold tooth which is made with a gold alloy that blends zinc, platinum, palladium, copper and silver, MSC gold implants are attached to the jawbone. They provide the same level of function as standard implants and are a bold and emphatic stylistic choice for your teeth.

The combination of materials in the alloy give the crown the strength that is needed, and this means they are suitable for use on the back teeth (molars) which is where the majority of food you eat is chewed.

Implanted Bridges: Similar to traditional bridges, Implanted Bridges are false teeth that take the place of missing teeth in the gum of the patient, but in contrast to traditional bridges, the false teeth are supported by implants and not by surrounding healthy teeth.
Due to these implant supported bridges making use of implants, there is no damage caused to the surrounding teeth-unlike ordinary bridges. Also in comparison to ordinary bridges, implant-supported bridges are more durable.

Something To Think About

So maybe now is the time for you to look into getting the treatment that you perhaps know you have been needing for a while. Whether it's straighter teeth or replacing missing teeth, MSC are here to help. We boast a number of very skilled, highly experienced dentists who are able to make sure that your dental implants or Invisalign treatment gives you the results you are seeking.

Contact MSC today to find out more about what we can do for you !

* May not be accurate. Check our website for the latest prices and offers. 

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