Friday 9 November 2018

Dental Implants At Midlands Smile Centres

Midlands Smile Centres are staffed with a number of highly skilled dentists with a vast amount of experience in dental implants, and they can help you overcome the obstacles that prevent you from achieving the smile that you are seeking. One of the obstacles that people face is missing teeth. Having missing teeth in the mouth can adversely affect the appearance of a person's smile, and partially reduce their overall confidence as a result.

Implants at MSC come in various forms for different purposes. By drawing on the vast experience they have in performing dental implants procedures- which is essential for this type of treatment- our dentists are able to give you the treatment you need to create the kind of smile you are looking for.

The Types of Implants Available at MSC

Single Dental Implants - Single Dental Implants are made-up of two parts: a real-looking false tooth and a supporting titanium rod. These Single Dental Implants replace both the missing tooth and the root of your missing tooth. The supporting rod is inserted into the jawbone and the false-tooth is visible on top of the gum.

Implanted Dentures - Implanted Dentures are an alternative to traditional removable dentures. They make use of titanium screws or cylinders in the jawbone and extensions on top of those which are attached to the new teeth in your mouth.

Gold Implants - Gold Implants are similar to Single Dental Implants in the way that they are made-up of two-parts: the titanium implant attached to the jawbone and a false tooth. With Gold Implants, the false tooth is gold in its appearance, and this is a result of the false-tooth being made with a gold alloy. The gold alloy is derived through a combining of various materials including palladium, copper, silver, zinc and platinum.

Implanted Bridges - Implanted Bridges make use of implants inserted into the jawbone as well as extensions (if necessary) and the crown of the bridge, which is the visible tooth part. Implanted Bridges are used to replace sections of missing teeth in the mouth and are an alternative to traditional bridges.

What These Implants Are and What They Can Do For You

Single Dental Implants - Having Single Dental Implants is an effective solution for those with missing teeth as they are highly lauded for their versatility. Single Dental Implants are also comfortable, plus they are natural in their appearance.

Implanted Dentures - Implanted Dentures at MSC are a fine option for those that want something to replace the missing teeth that they have but want something that is superior to regular dentures. In contrast to regular dentures, Implanted Dentures are more secure, allowing for a better experience of eating food. In addition, Implanted Dentures prevent the jawbone from receding in the manner that would be expected with regular dentures.

Gold Implants - Gold Implants at MSC offer you the kind of function that you require from dental implants while also bringing a striking visual touch to your smile.

Implanted Bridges - Filling the gap where you currently have missing teeth in your mouth, Implanted Bridges make an obvious and instant difference to your teeth and the way they look. By replacing the missing teeth, these bridges also put a stop to the risk of your bite being put out of alignment. Leaving a gap in your teeth can lead to your jawbone shrinking and a resulting alteration in your facial structure and smile as well.

Also, by resting on the implants in your gums instead of resting on the surrounding healthy teeth, they are a healthier choice for your teeth because they will not wear down the healthy teeth around the gap. Another advantage that comes with having Implanted Bridges is that they can last for the entirety of your life, whereas ordinary bridges usually require changing after 10-15 years.

MSC's Implant Treatment Process- Brief Overview

Single Dental Implants - Single Dental Implants make use of a titanium supporting rod that attaches to the jawbone and a false-tooth on top of this. As part of MSC's treatment process for single dental implants, we use a “no scalpel” method. This method employs X-ray imaging which is used to precisely locate where the implant will be placed. Then, the implant is inserted directly into the gum without the use of a scalpel. Due to MSC's “no scalpel” technique, the patient experiences less bleeding, swelling and pain, and can expect a faster rate of recovery. At least three months is required for this procedure within just two visits.

Implanted Dentures - If the dentist deems your mouth and jaw suitable for implanted dentures, X-rays will be taken of your mouth before moulds are taken to ensure the best fit for you.

The next stage of the process is to attach the implants (titanium screws or cylinders to form the new “roots” for implanted dentures) to the jawbone. Between 4 and 6 “roots” will be needed. In the next 2-6 months the bone will bond with the implants. While this is happening, a temporary denture is provided to be worn over the implants during this period.

Following this, extensions are attached to the implants, which necessitates a further two-week healing period. Some implants combine the extension with the root meaning that the new teeth can be installed as soon as the first healing period is complete. (We will inform you as to which system is right for you).

Lastly, the full set of tailor-made teeth is connected to the implants and will be ready for you to use straight-away.

Get In Touch with MSC Today to Find-Out What We Can Do For You!!

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